Saturday, September 18, 2010

Book trailer for "Night of the Living Trekkies"!

I picked up my copy of "Night of the Living Trekkies" today! And realised it already has a great book trailer for it on Youtube!

Night of the Living Trekkies
"Night of the Living Trekkies"
by Kevin David Anderson & Sam Stall

And, while on the subject of Youtube, I also love this German television promo for their SciFi channel:

1 comment:

Therin of Andor said...

Way back in May, I blogged about this book coming and the publicist contacted me, offering to send me a free copy when it came out. I expected it might arrive before any shop copies, but when nothing came I bought a local copy and emailed the publicist a reminder.

My complimentary copy arrived today - and I assumed I'd be passing the duplicate on to a friend - but it has a shiny, not matte cover, a variation of the back cover copy, extra blue on the spine, and warnings that it's an "advance reading copy from uncorrected proofs" and "not intended for resale". Cool!

Thanks Quirk!